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Alex Stringer

Alex Stringer’s hysterically sarcastic material and brilliant dead pan delivery has audiences howling with laughter. She is one of the fastest rising stars in the UK helped not least by a massive and burgeoning talent but also by being an engagingly warm and likeable Geordie lass that crowds love. Newcastle born and bred she’s part of a proud North East tradition of funny comedians and in a few years time you’ll be telling your friends you saw her first at your local LOL Comedy Club!

“Alex is a natural comedic talent and even with 5 months away from stage, she stays hilarious and consistent” – Dane Baptiste

“She is so comfortable and engaging to watch! Way beyond her years” – Brennan Reece

“Fantastic gag rate. I can see you on TV. Really original persona I can see working on TV. I hope you do.” – Rachel Parris


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