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Andrew Ryan

Andrew Ryan has the gift of Irish storytelling that draws you in from the start. He also happens to be effortlessly charming, hilarious and have a cheeky, friendly demeanour that makes him a naturally likeable stand up.

He is in demand as an act and an MC at the biggest comedy clubs across the UK & Ireland. As a result his TV work is flooding in, including BBC3’s ‘Russell Howard’s Good News‘, Sky Sunrise, Best of the Edinburgh Festival Live on BBC3, Live at The Comedy Store for Comedy Central, Live for MIND on Comedy Central and regular appearances as a panelist on BBC Radio!

He also looks uncannily like Father Dougal from sitcom ‘Father Ted’ and is a about as funny as its possible to be!

“Utterly brilliant and going to be a huge star!” Time Out

“Going to be a huge star” Timeout

“An hour of hilarious comedy” Edfestmag

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