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Charmian Hughes

Charmian Hughes started out her working life in advertising – but after her triumphant thrush remedy slogan ‘When your c**t can’t, C*n*stan can’ offended the client instead of delighting them, she found herself catapulted into the world of stand-up comedy.

Classes in clowning and circus followed, including with renowned French mime guru Philippe Gauliere, where for under a thousand pounds,  Charmian learnt the art of gurning and breaking wind simultaneously, to the maestro’s cries of ‘Merde’.

Since then Charmian has travelled the world with her stand up including solo shows at the Melbourne Comedy Festival and various New Zealand Fringe Festivals.

UK festival appearances include Edinburgh, Scilly Laughs, Buxton, Shaftsbury, Manchester’s Funny Women and Guernsey Speedboat Festival.

Another claim tom fame is that as one of the comedy tutors at the legendary Jackson’s Lane Comedy Workshops Charmian taught  Micky Flanagan as featured in his recent SKY documentary Peeping Behind The Curtain.

Grand Finalist Petfringe Comedian Of The Year 2018

Nominated for Outstanding Achievement in Comedy Award 2016

Nominated Best Comedy Show Buxton Fringe 2016

“Real joy and fun – she lights up the show” The Scotsman

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